Monday, 21 September 2015

How to remove expired provisioning profile from mac and Xcode?

Over the last few days I’ve been getting alerts on my iPhone that my provisioning profiles are about to expire.  So I have updated my provisioning profile and certificate both. After updating my profiles I was surprised to see that I kept getting warnings. It seemed now that I had both the new and expiring profiles being synched each time I connected my iPhone to iTunes.

The best way to remove them, without XCode installed, is to use the iphone configuration utility. You can download this for Mac or PC. Your device must be plugged in in order to do this.
Here is a picture of using the iphone configuration utility to delete provisioning profiles:

Note that this is not the only way.!!!!!

If you have XCode installed, I would recommend using organizer to delete the provisioning profiles. In Organizer, select the "Devices" list. Then choose your device (must be plugged in). Then choose "Provisioning Profiles" under your device. From here you can make multiple selections (hold shift key) and then hit delete key to remove them.

There is also 1 more way to delete expired profile !!!!!! 

You can delete the files directly from ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
Open finder, ⌘-Shift-G, and paste in the above path. Restart Xcode afterward.
But you will find that at above location the files will be with 33 hexa digit number name, not with original name. So the question is how to find name?
Follow below steps to find file name.
step 1 
In xcode build settings, select your provisioning profile that you want to delete
step 2
Select the Provisioning profile in build settings under code signing identity, and click other. It will show a 33 hexa digit number. copy that. 
step 3
go to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles 
and search for that copied number as a name in provisioning profile.
Delete it. :)